just the texture I like

If you follow this blog regularly, you probably saw my eggnog recipe that I posted last week.  (If not, you can find it here.)  Well, sometimes when I’m writing a recipe, I get a really great idea.  Usually, these ideas add inches to my waistline, and I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that this idea is any different, but it is really tasty, so if you can live with some holiday calories, read on for my eggnog French toast recipe!

This is so simple that I can barely even call it a recipe.  Basically, you just use your eggnog (really any eggnog is fine) to soak your bread for French toast, then brown it up in a hot buttered pan like any other French toast. 

Here is the thing that makes this French toast so special in my opinion.  First of all, you must start with a great quality, hearty bread that can stand up to the soaking and cooking without becoming mush.  I prefer to make my easy everyday bread for this recipe for several reasons. 

The bread is just a tad salty, which I personally think balances really well with the sweetness of the eggnog soak and the syrup.
It has enough density to make French toast with just the texture I like!

So, the next consideration in French toast is the egg mixture.  One thing that just ruins French toast for me is having the egg mixture not fully incorporated.  It ends up with what amounts to a fried egg white stuck to one side of my toast.  I love eggs, but that is just yucky in my book!

I usually solve that problem by mixing my egg mixture in the Vitamix *affiliate link* but the other day I realized that eggnog already contains everything I would put in French toast, plus a couple of yuletide extras, so it is the perfect thing to soak the bread in just like it is.  Plus, then I have a great excuse to make more eggnog and that’s always a great thing!

Now once the bread has soaked on both sides, all you have to do is add a little butter to your favorite frying pan, *affiliate link* put it on medium heat and cook these eggnog French toast slices nice and slowly!